“T” Has How Many Pronunciations?!?


T as “T” and T as “D”, but not as “Mr. T”…

There are a number of ways we can sound more like a native speaker of English. One way is making sure our pronunciation is as close to native as possible.

Unfortunately, the rules are so often difficult and complex, we certainly can’t remember them all and definitely not in the middle of a conversation. And that’s before we take into account so many people with different backgrounds, employing different pronunciation, exceptions to each rule…and as long as you can understand the person…that’s good enough, right? I suppose there are situations where pronunciation needs to be…proper(?); in a presentation, for example. But, we can get away with different pronunciations fairly easily, otherwise.

English is so stupid… Remember, sometimes rules cancel each other out, contradict each other, or apply in different ways.

So, when does T sound like “T”?

・As the first letter of a word & sometimes the last. For example: table, tall, cat.

・At the beginning of a stressed syllable. For example: pretend, italic, hotel.

・As part of a cluster, like st / tr / str / ct / ft / lt / pt / nt. For example: track, act, lift, slept.

・When speaking in past tense. For example: went, kept, got, taught.

When does “T” sound like “D”?

・Often, when between two vowels or between a vowel and “L” or “R”. For example: water, computer, better

・At the end of a word, if the next word starts with a vowel. For example: put it on, great idea.

What’s a “stop” “T”?

・Often when in the middle or end of a word when it is between a vowel, “N”, or “R” and followed by an “N”, “M”, or “L”. For example: frighten, curtain, kitten.

When does “T” make no sound at all?

Many of these cases vary widely and can be considered most informal, but…

・Often as part of “-STEN”, “-FTEN”, or “-STLE”. For example: listen, whistle, castle. Though, not just “-STL” or “FTL”. For example: lastly, justly, mostly

・Sometimes after “N”, when people talk quickly and informally. For example: interview, twenty, don’t know.

・Optionally when following “N” and before a vowel sound, “R”, or “L”. For example: center, gentle, advantage.

・Sometimes between two consonants; especially if there is an “S” ending. For example: prints, acts, accepts.

See? Rules, rules, rules… Again, please remember: communication is the key. Unless you are unable to communicate and get your point across to the other person, please don’t let precise pronunciation be the reason you lose motivation to speak at all…


“T “の発音はいくつあるのか!?

「T」と発音する T、「D」と発音する T、でも「Mr. T」はまた異なる発音。。。








・単語の最初の文字として、または最後の文字として。例:table, tall, cat.

・強調された音節の始まりに。例:pretend, italic, hotel.

・st / tr / str / ct / ft / lt / pt / ntのようなクラスターの一部になっているとき。例:track, act, lift, slept.

・過去形で話す場合。例:went, kept, got, taught.

T が「D」のように聞こえるのはどんな時でしょうか?

・2つの母音の間、または母音と “L “や “R “の間にあるとき。例:water, computer, better. 

・次の単語が母音で始まる場合、語末にあるとき。例:put it on, great idea.

“stop” “T “(詰まるT)って何?

・母音、”N”、”R “の間で、”N”、”M”、”L “が続く場合、単語の途中や語尾によく使われます。例:frighten, curtain, kitten.

T が無音になるのはどのような場合でしょうか?


・多くの場合、”-STEN”、”-FTEN”、”-STLE “の一部となる。例:listen, whistle, castle ただし、”-STL “や “FTL “など、語尾に”E”がつかない場合、”T”は発音されます。例:lastly, justly, mostly

 ・”N “の後につく場合で、口早に行ったり、カジュアルに言ったりする場合。例:interview, twenty, don’t know.

 ・”N “の後、母音、”R “または “L “の前につく場合。例:center, gentle, advantage.

・2つの子音に挟まれることもあり、特に語尾に “S “が付く場合。例:prints, acts, accepts.

ほらね。ルール、ルール、ルール… 繰り返しになりますが、コミュニケーションが重要であることを忘れないでください。自分の言いたいことが相手に伝わらない場合は別として、正確な発音が原因で話す意欲を失わないように…。

